Smart Money
Smart Money Facts:
EASIER than you might think…
EVERYONE can use it & benefit from it…
PARTICIPATION is important…
SCHOLARSHIP money provided to families who are in need…
Do you have doubts?
Perhaps you pay tuition in a lump sum to save $100? Next year, write your check out for $100 less PLUS your accumulated Smart Money credits earned this year!
Maybe you use the F.A.C.T.S payment system…you will receive credits on your tuition monthly! Earnings are calculated & reported directly to the Diocese. They issue credits to your account, you are notified via email each month of the adjustment to your tuition payment.
If you choose not to take the credits toward your own tuition, you can ask that the credits go toward the OLP Scholarship to help another family in need. This Scholarship fund has helped several families already.
What’s available to you for purchase? How does it work?
The retailers sell Gift Cards to OLP at a discounted rate, we in-turn sell them to the Families for the Face Value. The discount from the retailer is where the credits come from. The school does retain a portion of the credit maintain the program and pay for shipping expenses. The Family/School split is 80/20, you collect 80% and the school retains 20%. Keep in mind, there is not processing fee for orders to the Shop with Scrip site, the Smart Money Program absorbs the FedEx charges.
When & where can it be purchased?
OLP LOBBY: During the School Year, Smart Money can be purchased Wednesdays in the lobby of Our Lady of Peace from 8:15 until 9:00 (if you choose to do it in person).
You can send in a Smart Money order with your child WEDNESDAYS, it will be filled and returned the SAME DAY for items that are ON-HAND.
SPECIAL ORDERS are placed on Wednesdays – send in your receipt from the website along with your payment, it will be processed, filled and returned to you THE FOLLOWING WEDNESDAY. ScripNOW orders and reloads are processed Wednesday mornings and available for use by the next day.
RECTORY: St. Gregory’s Rectory (Monday thru Friday during office hours and after masses on Sunday ONLY). St. Gregory’s is available for year-round ON-HAND purchases during normal business hours.
On-Hand Cards/Certificates are the ones we carry in inventory.
They are available for purchase & pick-up same day at both OLP Lobby (Wednesdays) and St. Gregory’s Rectory.
Special Order Cards are ones ordered at the shopwithscrip website.
Orders are placed Wednesday by 9:00. Special Orders are sent home with students one week later.
ONLY the School Families can join, you can place individual orders for other family members but ONLY the OLP School Families can create an account.
You may want to begin by seeing what there is to choose from. Visit and click on the Retailers List to see the vast array of cards available for purchase. This site gives the rebate % for the cards…please keep in mind the 20% that the Smart Money Program retains.
To join and be able to purchase the SPECIAL ORDER CARDS, simply go to, click the REGISTRATION oval at the top of the page, you will also need an Enrollment Code this will associate you with OLP for reports/credit purposes. To get the Enrollment Code, please email me at (The Enrollment Code is not posted for security reasons. There have been other schools that have experienced fraudulent purchases from individuals outside of the group. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. ) Fill in the other required information. At this point you are ready to shop.
Presto Pay
Skip paying with cash or checks and use Presto Pay, the online payment method offered through Enroll to make purchases conveniently and securely with the electronic funds transfer system. To sign up, simply log on to your account and follow these steps:
Select Presto Pay link located in Dashboard Area under Family Functions.
Enter your bank account information in a secure environment
Great Lakes Scrip Center will deposit two small amounts in your bank
account—Enter these amounts in your Presto Pay registration to verify your account
You’ll receive an email with an APPROVAL CODE to SEND to your coordinator at
Once your account is approved by your coordinator, you’ll be ready for online payment! For a small convenience fee of $0.39 per order, you’ll have the quickest and easiest way to pay for scrip. Have your Scrip Now eCards available for download in minutes and card Reload orders processed overnight, when you use Presto Pay.